Friday, May 4, 2012

Today I choose Zoos (and purple)

Today is Zoo Day. I get to/have to go to the zoo today. Honestly, I am honored to be invited. One of the little girls I tutor wanted me as her field trip companion, and it IS an honor and privilege to be invited. However, I am not a zoo-loving person. It just isn't my thing. I can take it in small doses, even smaller doses when the forecast is for 90 degree weather. I will, however, enjoy the day and the monkeys and fishees and other such zoo residents. I will, I will. I am choosing to enjoy the zoo. And to see the sunny, 90 degree weather as an opportunity to get a little vitamin D and further lead my skin into the weathered saddle look. It is going to be GREAT!!! Awesome even. My tutoree is a sweetheart and will make a great companion and we will throw peanuts to the bears or elephants or whatever animal it is that likes peanuts. We will squeal at the snakes and hold our noses by the hippos. I will fight the urge to check the time every five minutes and relish in the opportunity to be a part of something for someone else instead of just for me. Really, I will.

My blog has received its first comment. Given the choice, There is no one else  I would rather it be.  (though I'll take any and all comments just to know someone other than me, and on occasion Erin, is reading this thing). Erin of The Queen of Spain fame responded to a rather somber entry I made a week or so ago. I am wearing my team#SuckItLupus purple and am considering a few purple streaks for my hair. Nothing looks better on naturally curly hair than a little purple. Thank you, Erin.

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