Saturday, April 14, 2012

Is sex addiction real?

An article in yesterday's Chicago Tribune Is sex addiction real?, written by Alexia Elajalde-Ruiz, explores this addiction from a perspective that is different from the celebrity media and many other outlets that tend to find sex and love addiction hilarious. It is not. In my experience (I am terrie in the article), the vast majority of days in my addiction began with me being mad as hell I woke up, again, and ended as I was praying that I would die in my sleep this time...or succeed at suicide or have a car accident that killed only me. I did try that one; I failed. obviously. I like the way the reporter discusses the DSM's take on this addiction and the move to classify this as something other than hyper-arousal. For me, there was nothing 'arousal' about it. There was, though, plenty of vigilant, hypervigilant. The kind of vigilance that comes with living double, triple lives, having a family, a job, and wanting to die simulataneously. I make NO excuses for my behavior and poor choices. I paid many consequences, though I deserved many more. God's grace was with me the entire time; but it is only through looking back that I'm able to see this. I've been in recovery from sla since 2006. Had I known what sex and love addiction was the 5 years I lived that horrific life, I like to think I woulda/coulda done some things differently. My behavior hurt A LOTLOTLOT of people. Sometimes I do wish I could have a do-over. Other times, I can't imagine being where I am today without having had that experience. "We will neither regret the past or shut the door on it" (Bill Wilson). I am not completely there, yet. There are days when I do regret the past and many more nights. There are also days I am grateful for where this journey has brought me so far.
Regardless, I am grateful for the opportunity to be interviewed for the article and for the unbiased, straightforward manner in which the reporter presents it.

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